Artificial stone garden steps
How to make your own artificial stone garden steps – concrete fake staircases that look so natural
Great landscape slope idea’s
Make your own artificial stone garden steps, stepping stones and step treads is an excellent follow on from learning the
techniques of building solid synthetic concrete rocks.
Artificial stone garden steps & staircases are not only practical and functional they have the ability to become an outstanding artificial rock based feature in your landscape.
This method is based off the solid artificial rock making techniques and brings about the ability to add to your list of garden and landscaping possibilities and expand on new Fake rock making ideas. The artificial stone garden steps & staircases are not only a potentially stunning addition to the landscape they can as well frame your other rock and garden layout.
This shot taken from the top of the stairs and looks too natural to be a “fake rock” staircase and makes such an attractive and unique path down. While leading into the feature rock in addition to the artificial boulder garden.

Artificial stone garden steps – making Process

In-between some concrete mounds we dug out the profile for these artificial stone garden steps. These mounds will become some large fake boulders. To help bind the concrete foundation we used bird-wire that was rolled down the cut out steps.
Here is a scene of concrete blobs that are maybe slope or so it seems. With each image we will see how these structures fit together because there is a strategic placement involving each “blob”.

Make a staircase that looks like natural rocks.
With the making of this fake rock staircase it was decided to buy in premixed concrete rather then make it up. This is not a prerequisite as you could also mix your concrete in a cement mixer it’s a lot cheaper just more work.

The concrete has been carved to shape as it was setting and the job of completing the large and solid fake rock boulders has begun in earnest.
Note the large artificial rock on the left that has been built over the edge of the block wall so that it merges naturally into the pretend rockwork outcrop.

The shaping texturing and colouring of the rock steps starts from the top so that you wont be walking over your work and its better for your back.
Each rock steptread is shaped to wrap in and around the completed faux rock boulders.

The completion of the staircase and the artificial rock like finish is a little bit on the bright side however this is to compensate for around 20 percent fading and natural maturing.

The artificial stone garden steps or staircase 6 months later and it can be seen that the fake rock staircase has mellowed somewhat,seems like a much more natural colouring. The original selection of plants have really started to take off which is not surprising because this is in a sub tropical setting and had 20 inches of rain in four months.

A year later now and what could only be described as a fully maturing and successfully planned landscape setting while especially comfortable to walk on. Most of all Faux rock staircase and the stunning handmade large boulders to compliment.
Our Artificial Rock Staircase Video Downloads, Staircase Booklet will Guide you from “Start to Finish” with your Staircase Project just go to our “DVD’s and Products”page for more information.
Widely featured on lifestyle shows, including Burke’s Backyard, Better Homes and Gardens and Our House.
If you would like to talk to me about the videos and maybe Your project or how you can add a new profitable Artificial Rock side to your business – Send me your contact Details and a good time to give you a call
__Dan I’m happy to talk to you.
Guide to sourcing materials for artificial rock making PDF comes with all video downloads.
Where to buy supplies off the shelf in your region
No special tool’s or expensive moulds to buy!
1/4 of the price of real rock and no heavy machinery
Need Help? Send us an Email –

Total Running Time: 58 Minutes
Downloadable Staircase Manual Included!
How to Make Really Fantastic Staircases, Step treads & Stepping Stones in Artificial Rock
How to make your very own artificial stone garden steps, staircases, step treads in addition to stepping stones that look and feel amazingly realistic.
This is a wonderful concept to combine with “solid rock making over concrete technique”, it is designed to be cost effective in addition to last a lifetime.
Included in this video are setting out basic levels, preparing step treads, concrete and surface mortar mixes and layered colouring techniques. Plus Bonus The 20 page Download working book manual.
1. Introduction
2. Where to Start
3. Making and Mixing Concrete
4. Building a Concrete Base
5. Making Pads for Stepping Stones
6. Making a Mortar Mix for Artificial Rock Making
7. Creating the Artificial Rock like Surfaces
8. Introduction to Colouring and Texturing
9. The End Result
Staircase Manual

It guides you from start to finish with colour pictures and full schematic diagrams.
Topics Covered are:
- The Step by Step Details
- Working out Step Heights
- Excavating and Concreting
- The Transformation into Realistic Rock Steps
- Main Points To add Before Mortaring
- Carving Techniques
- Finishing Techniques