Make your own artificial rock water features, Waterfalls or PondsĀ using Fake or Faux Rock.
Artificial rock water features are a beautiful addition to any garden. Now you can create the design you have always wanted. Save hundreds of dollars by constructing your own artificial rock water features, waterfalls, ponds and more. We can show you everything you need to make incredibly real looking rocks and boulders for your backyard rock waterfalls and water features.
Create your own backyard waterfall resort style paradise with our video step by step guide to artificial rock water features!

Total Running Time: 30 Minutes
How to Make A Backyard Waterfall and Water Feature in Artificial Rock DVDs
Waterfalls demonstrates the building of a compact Waterfall in a home backyard. The construction method uses recycled rubble and rock spill found onsite and the *Solid Rock making Techniques.
How to Make A Backyard Waterfall or Artificial rock water feature
This video includes siting and the setting out of a small to medium pond, using and laying Butyl Rubber lining to waterproof the pond, setting out the Waterfall and top water catchments plus decorative works in and around the pond. Take all the guess work out of doing this and learn from us. We are experts in creation of artificial rocks and boulders.
NB* You will need to view the video title How to make Artificial Rocks and Boulders first before the Waterfall video to understand the full step by step procedures to making solid rock. Waterfalls does not go into the full detail of building solid rock but concentrates on the positioning and combinations of the artificial rock to create a unique water feature.
1. Intro
2. Preparing and Lining a Pond
3. Waterfall Construction
4. Creating Magic
5. Disguising New & Old Materials
6. Lets Rock the Overhang
7. Final Colourings
8. Landscaping Around Pond
9. Pipes, Pumps, & Things